About Me

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I'm a quilting, knitting, sewing, cooking,reading, gardening nut who can never find enough hours in the day to get it all done. Then again, getting it all done is out-of-the question. I'm too easily distracted.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Or Happy Cinco de Moustache, whichever you prefer to celebrate.

This very large rock is in a park in the small town where our farm is located. People paint it up for every imaginable occasion. Graduations, new babies, marriage prorosals, and declerations of love or team spirit. It's always fun to drive by and see what it says.

I've been busy at the farm, planting peas, spinach and swiss chard. Also potting up 10 lilacs and a couple of red maple seedlings. The heat is waking all the bugs up, and there are alot of very creepy country bugs, so I spent alot of time wacking things with a flip flop and screaming when I missed. I'm going to have to do some spraying around the house very soon.
I also got some work done on the pink and brown quilt, but not as much as I would like to. I am determined to get that top finished, and I do see a finish coming soon...at least a finished top. The quilting can wait till later.

That's all I have for now, chicks. We'll talk again soon!


Mimi said...

No sneak peeks on the pink and brown quilt? Can't wait to see it. Wish I could have spent the day outside today. Enjoy!

Nancy said...

It sounds like our country girls has been having a great time out at the farm. My lilacs are a little behind, but hopefully they'll be ready for Mothers Day.

Love the big "message" rock. You'll have to paint it when you're finally out in the country full time.