About Me

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I'm a quilting, knitting, sewing, cooking,reading, gardening nut who can never find enough hours in the day to get it all done. Then again, getting it all done is out-of-the question. I'm too easily distracted.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall, 2010

Since my last post, I enjoyed one of the nicest summers I can ever remember---hot and sunny---a perfect sitting-by-the-pool summer and I did plenty of that. I soaked up lots of sun, read a ton of books, enjoyed a week in Traverse City and spent time with good friends. What I didn't do was sew.

Not one stitch.

Now it's fall. The leaves are changing and falling, the air has cooled off, and the local farm stands have replaced sweet corn and berries with pumpkins, cornstalks, mums and squash. It's time again to plant bulbs, bake and make pot roast on Sundays.

And sew.

I kicked off my fall sewing this past week by attending Gwen Marston's retreat in Elk Rapids with my friends Faye and Nancy. We had a great time, and although we ate too much and slept too little we managed to work in alot of sewing time.

The theme for this years retreat was Liberated Quilting--which really appealed to me. I've wanted to attend this retreat and work in a liberated style since I first found Gwen's book Liberated Quilting in the library years ago.....

This is what I put together:

Somehow I don't have a finished pic of what i did....but I think I'll wait and post that when it is totally complete. This pic was taken while I had my work taped onto a window....which explains the glare.
Here are Nancy ad Fayes WIP's: Fayes is the red baskets, Nancy's is the blue and green bags...

Now....I've given you a quick peek at what we did....next time I'll show some other pics of the retreat. For now, I need to get off this computer so I can get stuff done!