About Me

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I'm a quilting, knitting, sewing, cooking,reading, gardening nut who can never find enough hours in the day to get it all done. Then again, getting it all done is out-of-the question. I'm too easily distracted.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Time Alone....

The men have gone to the Nascar race this weekend, so I am, for the most part, alone.
I LOVE time alone.  It doesn't happen often (read enough) so I really, really enjoy these kinds of days.
Since I have a few minutes to myself, I will do  little sharing.
Here is a full view of the Black and White Shirts / Mitered Squares quilt.
I love everything about it EXCEPT I hate the batting.  I used a thicker polyester....and I can't stand it.  It is WAY too warm.  That is what my family likes about it....and they requested thick, fluffy and warm.
That's the last one of those.  From now on its back to cotton or 80/20 batting.  If they want another thick,  warm quilt they are going to have to make it themselves.

Here's 2 pics of Baby Mason Tengler on his Shirts/ Mitered Squares quilt.  Love this one.  80/20 batting, linen backing.  It's scrumptious.  And so is Mason.
 And here's a pic of Tim and I at the Cincinnati Quilt Show....which also happened to be taking place at the same time as a Tattoo Convention.  Lotsa eye candy for us that weekend!
Ive included a few pics of some of my faves......

There were SO many very cool modern quilts there to see.  It was very inspiring.

So that's it for now.  I have to get back into my sewing area and make the most of the time I have......


Mimi said...

Love everything!!! The way you scattered those colors on the black/white quilt is perfect. The baby is adorable on a great quilt, too. Yes...all those contemporary quilts are to die for. I think I like the rainbow colored one with the circles the best, but then it was hard to pick. Thanks for sharing.

Claudette said...

i fall in love with the black quilt every time i see it. - also love the circles over squares one from the quilt show