About Me

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I'm a quilting, knitting, sewing, cooking,reading, gardening nut who can never find enough hours in the day to get it all done. Then again, getting it all done is out-of-the question. I'm too easily distracted.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another view of spring....

Winter here in Michigan is long and dreary, and spring is usually very short and wet. Our reward for not packing up and moving south is Lilacs. I have 6 bushes here at home, and I have 10 or 11 out at the farm. The aroma is incredible......
I thought I'd share these with you.

Today was not a crafty day for me. Had a few plants to pot up at the farm, (I did get a little knitting time in) did my laundry early so I could dry it on the line and made a stop Krogers on the ride back home since I had to do a little more yard work there. I also put a roast in the oven with onions, potatos, and carrots. It smells wonderful here in my kitchen (although the lilacs and the beef are competing with each other!)
Talk to ya later chicks!


Mimi said...

I love lilacs. I have a lilac tree, but I don't think it is blossoming yet. The lily of the valley is going strong right now. I'll have to go and look. I can almost smell the aroma.

Gracie said...

I can almost smell them. Too darn bad they don't grow in Fl. I have to go to Bath & Bodyworks to get my lilac fix with a candle.

Nancy said...

Lilacs are my favorite! That was the first thing I planted when we moved into this house.

Anonymous said...

Ummm... a Michigan sewist who's a Tiger's fan with a compulsive crafting disorder and an affinity for traveling to NYC? Are you looking over my shoulder? We MUST talk!
