About Me

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I'm a quilting, knitting, sewing, cooking,reading, gardening nut who can never find enough hours in the day to get it all done. Then again, getting it all done is out-of-the question. I'm too easily distracted.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


This is just a test.  I've been told my blog has gone goofy....
Can you see it?

I finally got last years Quiltville Mystery quilt loaded on the long arm.
Little Girl was supervising, and the job wore her out.


Mimi said...

I can see it here (search your blog by Google) and it is fine. From my blog or typing in your address, it doesn't work. Go figure. Can't wait to see which panto you choose for your Bonnie quilt.

Mimi said...

Go figure.....it's all better now.

Anonymous said...

I see it!
Little girl was a great help haha!